Journal de Physique's Archives: Highlighting our scientific heritage (2007-12-03)
EDP Sciences launches 135 years of Journal de Physique archives, representing about 48,000 items which are available for consultation at:
The archive includes the 1904 to 1962 issues of the journal Radium and those of Journal de Physique Théorique et Appliquée from 1872 to the present day. Likewise, numerous articles of Nobel prize winners, such as Pierre and Marie Curie, George-Fitzgerald Smoot, and not forgetting Pierre-Gilles de Gennes and Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, nor Albert Fert, the 2007 Nobel Prize winner for physics, will be accessible to all interested parties.
Entire chapters of scientific litterature will be reappearing thanks to this process of retro-digitalization. These scientific archives benefit from today’s technology, such as the allocation of a DOI, links in bibliographical references to international databases, and using Crossref, the identification of metadata, key word research in PDF formats and in full-text documents, an “intelligent” research engine, ... The making available of authors’ work gives them a second breath of life, so benefiting the entire scientific community.
"Today, a scientific article which is not published on the Internet is no longer read and consequently forgotten. Between 1995 and 2000, most scientific journals started making available online versions of their articles, however previously published articles hadn’t necessarily been digitized and hence are no longer visible [...]. And yet, science is established upon the constant creation of a corpus of texts and the citation of outstanding articles through out the ages" - Jean-Marc Quilbé, Managing Director of EDP Sciences.