This year’s Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded jointly to Albert Fert (Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France) and Peter Grünberg (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany) for their discovery of Giant Magnetoresistance. Applications of this phenomenon have revolutionized techniques for retrieving data from hard disks. The discovery also plays a major role in various magnetic sensors as well as for the development of a new generation of electronics. The use of Giant Magnetoresistance can be regarded as one of the first major applications of nanotechnology. (extracted from Nobel web site)

We are very pleased to present you the list of all articles they both published in EDP Sciences’ journals.

Albert Fert’s articles published in EDP Sciences’ journals

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Photo: C. Lebedinsky
Principle of a variable capacitor based on Coulomb blockade of nanometric-size clusters
Europhys. Lett. 65 (2004) p. 699

Atomic-scale analysis of interfaces in an all-oxide magnetic tunnel junction
Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 24 (2003) p. 215

EELS study of interfaces in magnetoresistive LSMO/STO/LSMO tunnel junctions
Eur. Phys. J. B 34 (2003) p. 179

Experimental evidence of the ferrimagnetic ground state of chem{Sr2FeMoO6} probed by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism
Europhys. Lett. 60 (2002) p. 608

The temperature dependence of the perpendicular giant magnetoresistance in Co/Cu multilayered nanowires
Eur. Phys. J. B 4 (1998) p. 413

Effects of spin accumulation on single-electron tunneling in a double ferromagnetic microjunction
Europhys. Lett. 44 (1998) p. 85

Low-field colossal magnetoresistance in manganite tunnel spin valves
Europhys. Lett. 39 (1997) p. 545

Structure cristallographique de multicouches métalliques et magnétiques étudiées par spectroscopie d'absorption X
Journal de Physique 4 (1992) Vol. 2 n°C3 p. C3-185

Experimental arguments for a non-zero transition temperature in RKKY Heisenberg spin glasses without anisotropy
Journal de Physique (1988) Vol. 49 n°7 p.1173

Influence of Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interactions on the critical behaviour of metallic spin-glasses
Journal de Physique (1986) Vol. 47 n°9 p.1507

Relaxation of ytterbium in palladium
Journal de Physique Lettres (1985) Vol. 46 n°1 p. 53

Helimagnetic structure in diluted Y-Gd alloys
Journal de Physique Lettres (1985) Vol. 46 n°23 p. 1139

Irreversibility onset in spin glasses from torque measurements
Journal de Physique Lettres (1984) Vol 45 n°11 p. 565

How to change or remove the anisotropy of spin glasses, with some other reflections on the anisotropy problem
Journal de Physique Lettres (1983) Vol. 44 n°9 p. 345

High field magnetoresistance of silver containig rare-earth impurities
Journal de Physique Colloques (1979) Vol.40 n°C5 p. C5-40

Transport properties of amorphous rare-earth alloys
Journal de Physique Colloques (1979) Vol. 40 n°5 p. C5-225

Non axial electric field gradients in amorphous rare-earth alloys
Journal de Physique Colloques (1979) Vol. 40 n°5 p. C5-248

Transport dans les alliages magnétiques : les asymétries de diffusion
Journal de Physique Colloques (1978) Vol. 39 n°C2 p. C2-215

Transport properties of ferromagnetic transition metals
Journal de Physique Colloques (1971) Vol. 32 n°C1 p. C1-46

Déplacement de Knight de l'hydrogène absorbé par le palladium
Journal de Physique (1964) Vol. 25 n°3 p. 297

Peter Grünberg’s articles published in EDP Sciences’ journals

Nonuniform and sequential magnetization reversal via domain structure formation for multilayered system with grain size induced enhanced exchange bias
Eur. Phys. J. B 45 (2005) p.249

Enhanced exchange bias due to an ultra-thin, non-magnetic insulator spacer layer
Europhys. Lett. 68 (2004) p. 233

Magnetic interlayer coupling across semiconducting chem{EuS} layers
Europhys. Lett. 66 (2004) p. 736

Inverse giant magnetoresistance due to spin-dependent interface scattering in chem{Fe/Cr/Au/Co}
Europhys. Lett. 63 (2003) p. 874

Roughness-induced enhancement of giant magnetoresistance in epitaxial chem{Fe/Cr/Fe(001)} trilayers
Europhys. Lett. 59 (2002) p. 458

Caractérisation au-dessous du seuil de doubles hétérostructures lasers GaInAsSb/GaAlAsSb émettant vers 2,37 mum
J. Phys. III France 3 (1993) p. 1963

Light scattering from spinwaves and magnetooptic hysteresis measurements on EuO and EuS
Journal de Physique Colloques C5 (1980) p.243

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