EDP Sciences will be present at the Salon du Livre 2014 (2014-03-18)
The Salon du Livre de Paris opens its doors at the end of the week. It will be held from 21 to 24 March 2014, at Porte de Versailles (Hall 1, Boulevard Victor, Paris 15th).
EDP Sciences is pleased to welcome you, in the new space "Savoirs et Connaissances" (stand P64). We are at your disposal to meet you, advise you and discuss about various books and publications.
For more informations, click here.
Anne Simoneau, new Sales Manager of EDP Sciences, will attend a roundtable, and two of our authors give a talk about their latest book:
2014-03-23, 14h-15h (Sciences pour tous, Stand P14)
Textiles, parfums, bijoux et Cie
Muriel Chiron-Charrier (EDP Sciences)
2014-03-24, 10h30-11h (Savoirs et Connaissances, Stand S80)
Quelle offre numérique de revues et d'ouvrages universitaires francophones pour les bibliothèques universitaires ?
With Marc Minon (Cairn), Denis Zwirn (Numilog), Grégory Colcanap (Evry University / COUPERIN), Jérôme Kalfon (ABES), Anne Simoneau (EDP Sciences).
About the main offerings of books and journals to university libraries.
Roundtable moderated by Marc Sabin, in partnership with the SNE.
2014-03-24, 14h30-15h30 (Sciences pour tous, Stand P14)
Combien pèse un nuage ?
Jean-Pierre Chalon (EDP Sciences)
More informations: http://www.salondulivreparis.com