EDP Sciences sponsors GFii Forum (2013-05-20)
EDP Sciences is pleased to sponsor the GFii Forum, which will take place on 29th and 30th May 2013 in Paris. This event will be held under the guiding thread of industry information, growth accelerator.
Join us on May 29, 2013 for the “current news from the sector ” under the heading of:
"EDP Sciences: positioning and strategy of a scientific publisher by 2020"
Presented by Ms. Agnès Henri, Editorial Director.
In the area of “the new challenges of scientific information and research “Les nouveaux enjeux de l'information scientifique et de la recherche”, Mr Jean-Marc Quilbé, CEO of EDP Sciences, will be pleased to participate in a round table of experts on 30th may 2013, under the topic
"Open Access: where do we stand?"
These two events will be an opportunity to make you discover or rediscover our new "Open Access" Portal: www.edp-open.org.
The GFii agenda will include a series of strategic conferences and workshops around four innovative and cross-cutting topics:
- information technology for performance and innovation
- development prospects around Open Data
- New challenges in scientific information for research
- Digital economy and advanced data processing: growth and competitiveness driver in France and Europe
350 professionals are expected to attend the event: public and private information providers, specialized publishers, providers of software solutions, innovating start-ups, research institutes, heads of university libraries, professional information buyers, managers of monitoring unit...
The GFii Forum is a key event for those involved in information and knowledge industry and who wish to identify emerging market trends, educate to new practices, and interact with other professionals on the debates that enliven our ecosystem today.