This is the second free article in the new ‘Key summaries’ series from 4open. The article offers an easy to understand version of “German nursing shortage in hospitals - Homemade by Profititis?” by Björn Brücher and Daniela Deufert; a study recently published in 4open which examines the causes and consequences of a nurse shortage in German hospitals.

The ‘Key summaries’ article uses non-technical language to help non-experts and other interested groups understand, in this instance, “What is the primary role of healthcare – to make profits or care for patients?”

“The authors argue that business culture in healthcare has resulted in untenable staff cuts in the name of savings, and a heavy and largely unnecessary paperwork burden for staff.”

Read the ‘Key summaries’ article - “Pursuit of profit underlies German nursing shortage”
Read the original article - “German nursing shortage in hospitals - Homemade by Profititis?”

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