EPJ Applied Physics (EPJ AP) is pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Suzanne Giorgio and Professor Damien Jacob as the journal’s new Editors-in-Chief. They have already started work at the journal taking over from Professor Virginie Serin and Professor Luis Viña who served tirelessly from 2015.

Professor Giorgio and Professor Jacob are both associated with the Société Française des Microscopies (Sfμ) with which EPJ AP is published in partnership. Suzanne Giorgio is the General Secretary and Damien Jacob is currently vice-President having been President from 2018-2019.

Suzanne Giorgio is Professor in Physics and Materials Sciences at Aix Marseille University, France and has been the Head of the Department of Materials Engineering of Polytech for ten years. She works at the Interdisciplinary Center of Nanosciences of Marseille (CINAM), which is known for research in the design, development and study of nano-objects or nano structured materials and surfaces, at the border of physics, chemistry and life sciences.

Damien Jacob is Professor in Physics at University of Lille, France, and head of the Master of Physics programme. He conducts his research at the UMET laboratory dealing with the microstructural and structural characterization of materials using TEM and advanced electron diffraction methods. He is also head of the Electron Microscopy Facilities of the University of Lille.

EPJ AP originates from the merger, in 1998, of the Journal de Physique III and Microscopy Microanalysis Microstructures. In their first editorial back in 1998, C. Colliex and M. Sauzade stated as their main aim “…to initiate within a European perspective the basis of an international journal of Applied Physics.” This “European perspective” is much in evidence – EPJ AP is one of the European Physical Journal (EPJ) series of peer-reviewed journals covering the whole spectrum of physics and related interdisciplinary subjects. It is also recognised by the European Physical Society.

Throughout its existence, EPJ AP has sought to increase its global reach and to encourage and report on recent research and progress in applied physics. As they move ahead in their stewardship of the journal, Suzanne and Damien will aim to maintain and develop the high quality of published articles and to develop partnerships with learned societies in France, Europe and beyond. They will be supported by an experienced, international editorial board of experts drawn from all fields of applied physics.