EDP Sciences is a partner of the Colloquium organised on 8 february 2023 by the Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie, on the theme 'Chemistry and artificial intelligence'
- Details
Today, new technologies allow data to be generated and stored in supercomputers. Using algorithms, it can be sorted and interpreted faster than humanly possible to make complex decisions. The goal of artificial intelligence (AI) is to enable computers to think and act as humans would. New computing powers and infra structure allow for unprecedented amounts of data to be made available, and machine learning and deep learning interpret them for complex and innovative tasks.
Artificial intelligence is a topical subject whose application affects all areas of industry, research and our daily lives. Although already present in R&D, AI is still virtually ignored by the majority of chemists, appearing in higher education only recently, even though everyone is convinced of the place it is creating.
We therefore wish to present in this colloquium a new field in development not only in university and industrial research, but also in teaching, which is essential to prepare for the future.
For this purpose, we have called on university and industrial experts in the main fields of use in which chemistry and AI are associated, and on the other hand, on the teachers and researchers of higher education establishments who have set up initial and continuous training in this new speciality.
This symposium is open to a wide audience upon registration, with a special focus on young people and their teachers. In order to make this conference accessible to as many people as possible, it will be broadcast on the Mediachimie You Tube channel.
The level is intended to be accessible to all in order to allow for a broad debate.
Danièle Olivier and Jean Claude Bernier - Co-Chairs of the Organising Committee
For more information click here.