Celebrating 150 years of the Société Française de Physique
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Congratulations to the Société Française de Physique (SFP) on its 150th anniversary! We look forward to a year of celebrations marking this wonderful milestone which got underway on 16 January 2023 with a “Cérémonie d’inauguration” at the Sorbonne. Sylvie Retailleau (former Editor-in-Chief of J3EA), Françoise Combes (Associate Editor of Astronomy & Astrophysics) and Serge Haroche (Journal de Physique author) were the guests of honour and Agnès Henri, Managing Director also attending, was very proud of their connections with EDP Sciences.
We share a long and close history with the SFP, which stretches all the way back to 1920 when the Journal de Physique et le Radium was established by a prestigious group of pioneering scientists which included Louis de Broglie, Marie Curie and Jean Perrin. The journal was published by the SFP and overseen by an illustrious Board of Directors on which Paul Langevin sat from the start. EDP Sciences shared premises with the SFP until 1978 and the SFP remained one of the four society co-owners right up until 2019 when EDP Sciences joined Science Press.
Today, we still enjoy close publishing ties with the SFP. We publish the journal of the SFP, Reflets de la physique, which aims to contribute to the development and operation of the SFP and, more broadly, to improve the image of physics. It is available in free access for all to browse and read. We also publish Emergent Scientist, the partner journal of our Science Publishing Masterclasses and the first hands-on, open access, scientific journal for students. It is supported by the SFP and the Académie des Sciences and offers students an invaluable first publishing experience.
We are getting involved in the celebrations throughout 2023 and look forward to facilitating Science Publishing Masterclasses in Nice (May), Lyon (June), Grenoble (June), Strasbourg (June) and Marseille (October). The sessions entitled “Édition scientifique et Science ouverte” join a busy and varied programme of events which includes a play “Marie Curie, une quête radieuse”, a conference in honour of Louis de Broglie, the inauguration of the Year of Physics, and, of course, the Congrès Général in Paris in July.
We can’t wait to attend the week-long conference and will be there every day showcasing our journals and books and discussing all things physics, publishing and open science. Agnès Henri will take part in "Science ouverte et Evaluation scientifique" together with Jean Daillant and Martina Knoop who represent the SFP on the EDP Sciences Scientific Advisory Committee. It is bound to be a popular session. Europhysics Letters (EPL), co-published by EDP Sciences, is also sponsoring two prizes for the best posters presented by young physicists at the Congrès Général. We hope to see you there!