News & Highlights
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During the 8th EPS Young Minds Leadership Meeting, Anne Ruimy, senior publisher at EDP Sciences, delivered a 1-hour scientific writing workshop to 40 representatives of EPS Young Minds sections. The EPS Young Minds Project is an international network of young researchers involved with promoting science among local communities. The meeting took place at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Lightin Erlangen, Germany.
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EDP Sciences now offers masterclasses on scientific writing aimed at the next generation of authors. To support the masterclasses, EDP Sciences is producing a series of video interviews with Editors-in-Chief of journals published by EDP Sciences and beyond. These videos aim to help early career researchers and PhD students understand what journals are looking for in academic papers.
The first video produced by EDP Sciences is a video interview with Jean Lilensten - Editor-in-Chief of the open access Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate
A new “Agora” for non-traditional scientific output in the field of space weather and space climate.
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The Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate (JSWSC), published by EDP Sciences, announces the launch of a new supplement titled “Agora”. The Agora, a term which denoted in ancient Greek an assembly place for various aspects of public life including intellectual exchange and debate, will be the place for the space weather community to discuss, evaluate and distribute non-traditional scientific output in the field of space science and space climate, such as public outreach papers and historical accounts.
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EDP Sciences is pleased to announce it has signed a new agreement for the ‘Publons Reviewer Recognition Service’ for the following journals:
- Parasite (open access)
- Cahiers Agricultures (open access)
- Aquatic Living Resources
- 4open (open access)
- Sicot-J (open access)
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4open is pleased to announce a new special issue “Statistical Inference in Copular Models and Markov Processes, Case Studies and Insights”, guest edited by Verónica Andrea González-López.
“Tail conditional probabilities to predict academic performance”, the first article in this special issue, by Verónica Andrea González-López, Marina Capelari Piovesana, and Nicolas Romano, quantifies the ability to predict performance in certain subjects based on the University of Campinas’ entrance exam.
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Paris, France 5 June 2019. EDP Sciences (EDPS) and the European Acoustics Association (EAA) are delighted to announce their partnership to publish Acta Acustica united with Acustica (AAuA) from January 2020. The partners are also pleased to announce that from this date there will be two additional major changes to the journal:
- The journal will become a fully gold open access journal ensuring the highest possible accessibility to quality research in the field of acoustics.
- The journal’s name will change (a further announcement will be made later this year).
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Oyster reefs are among the most endangered marine habitats on earth and restoration projects are gaining momentum in Europe.
The open access review article "The Native Oyster Restoration Alliance (NORA) and the Berlin Oyster Recommendation: Bringing back a key ecosystem engineer by developing and supporting best practice in Europe" presents relevant recommendations for the implementation of restoration measures and provides a synthesis of current European projects.
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4open is pleased to announce the new special issue “Advances in Researches of Quaternion Algebras”, guest edited by Dr. Ivan Kyrchei.
This special issue follows the 16th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2018) where, as part of a special collaborative issue, 4open welcomed submissions developed from research presented at this conference.
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EDP Sciences is pleased to announce the successful candidate for its sponsorship of an international librarian to attend the SLA 2019 Annual Conference in Cleveland, Ohio. The successful candidate is Muhumuza Emmy from Busitema University,Uganda.
In addition to attending the conference, Muhumuza will become a member of the SLA and join the Physics-Astronomy-Mathematics (PAM) Division for one year. He will also participate in the PAM International Relations Committee for one year.
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4open is pleased to announce the new special issue “Mathematical Models”, guest edited by Dr. Fernanda Ferreira and Dr. Flávio Ferreira.
This special issue follows the 16th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2018) where, as part of a special collaborative issue, 4open welcomed submissions developed from research presented at this conference.