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Jean-Paul Zahn

It is with immense sadness that EDP Sciences announces the death of Jean-Paul Zahn, on the 15th of July. He was 80 years old.

After entering to Ecole Normale Superieure de la rue d’Ulm in 1955, he joined La Sorbonne and then the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris where he defended his PhD under the supervision of Prof. E. Shatzman in 1966 on tides in binary stars. His study had a strong impact on that field of astrophysics. He was able to apply his discovery on tide dissipation to many systems such as exoplanets and planets of our solar system.

EDP Sciences is pleased to announce that many of their journals have shown strong performances following the release of the Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports® (JCR) for 2014.

Among the 20 peer-reviewed titles indexed in the JCR, more than 75% show a growth, and 35% have had an increase of over 10%.

These strong results are testament to the quality of the editorial teams who have selected and communicated the most important and valuable scientific information to the broadest possible audience. The 2014 Impact Factors reflect their success at doing this, and the exceptional authors and referees that they are privileged to work with.

EDP Sciences is proud of these results and is committed to continuing to provide the scientific communities with a wide range of high quality publications in which researchers can publish their important results” said Agnès Henri, Publishing Director at EDP Sciences. “We are aware that the publication of such high quality scientific content would not be possible without the exceptional work done by editors and reviewers and we wish to thank them for their commitment.

The first articles of the new open access journal SICOT-J are now available. The papers which are all free to access span a wide range of research in orthopaedics surgery and traumatology.

The first edition of the journal includes articles from researchers in the UK, Canada, France and Japan.

EDP Sciences is pleased to have three of its books nominated for the “Le Goût des Sciences” prize in the category “General books”.

La Valse des Continent
La Valse des Continent
de Patrick De Wever et Francis Duranthon
L'eau de la vie
L'eau de la vie
de Patrick De Wever
Demain, quelle Terre ?
Demain, quelle Terre ?
de Jean-Louis Bobin

The award ceremony will take place during the “Fête de la science” (from Wednesday 07 October to Sunday, October 11, 2015 in France).

“Le Goût des Sciences” prize values the work of researchers and publishers highlighting scientific outreach initiatives and cultural products aimed to impress on the public the importance of the work carried out within the research departments.

“General Books” category rewards a work for an audience of non-specialists to understand the advances in science and their impact on the surrounding world.

Read Press Release

EDP Sciences have today released information on the findings and recommendations of a working group into the peer review process. The meeting involved a committee of experts linked to the European Physical Journal (EPJ) including Editors-in-Chief, Associate-Editors, members of the Steering Committee and researchers involved in Scientific and Technical Information. EPJ itself, represents 25 European Physical Societies through its Scientific Advisory Committee.

The aim of the workshop held in Paris in May was to consider whether peer review is adapting to present day demands and constraints, and to consider and make recommendations to EPJ and their partners regarding new practices and improvements that could be made to their procedures.

For more information about this release, please contact Solange Guéhot, Editorial Office,
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EDP Sciences is attending the EBSCO Open Days in Paris, at the college of Bernardins on the 18th of June.

Anne Simoneau (Sales Director), Nathalie Clément (Subscription Manager) and Pauline Barraud (Books sales Manager) will be there to meet you.

The Dawson Bookstore will celebrate its thirtieth anniversary during the Dawson Day that will take place in Montmartre (Paris - France), at the Villa Frochot, on the 11th of June.

Various conferences and debates will address the digital issue for libraries. Pauline Barraud (Books sales Manager) and France Citrini (Publishing Editor) will be there to meet you on EDP Sciences booth and will participate in a panel discussion on publishers’ digital strategy.

For more information click here

EDP Sciences will attend the annual SMAI meeting, which will take place from 8 to 12 June, in Les Karellis, France.

As publisher of the SMAI journals, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys et RAIRO - Operations Research, EDP Sciences quite naturally is the partner of this event.

It is also with great pleasure that we sponsor the best poster award.

The SMAI Congress aims to bring together the community of applied mathematics and take stock of recent advancements in research. It helps researchers, academia and industry, dialogue and share results, ideas and issues. It gives the opportunity to young researchers, doctoral and post-doctoral students to present their findings and get known.

EDP Sciences and the French Society of Oral Surgery (SFCO) have announced the transition of Médecine Buccale Chirurgie Buccale from a subscription based journal to full Open Access starting with the first published issue of 2015. All future volumes and issues of the journal will be Open Access under a Creative Commons license 4.0.

This transition is driven by the ongoing movement for scientific literature to be Open Access for scientists, policy makers and the general public interested in research, and especially by the growing demands from funding agencies to ensure free access to research they have funded.

Simultaneously, access is given to the complete archives of the journal published with EDP Sciences, back to Volume 7, Issue 1. For members of SFCO, the printed version of the journal will continue to be published.

Please visite MBCB website:

Click here to read Press Release

EDP Sciences is pleased to announce that the Société Française d’Astronomie et d’Astrophysique (SF2A) has awarded its 2015 Thesis Awards to Quentin Kral for his thesis entitled “Study of debris discs with a new generation numerical model” that he defended at LESIA (Paris Observatory).

This award is sponsored by EDP sciences and rewards a young doctor in Astrophysics.
